Remembering One Year Ago: Innocence, Romance & Bittersweet Love

Remembering One Year Ago: Innocence, Romance & Bittersweet Love

Floral Arrangements: Molly Sandberg Jacobs
Image: Helle LeRette


We’re remembering with gratitude our last Guild event, before the global pandemic, when we were all together, celebrating our mutual love for Ballet.

Thanks to all of the Artists and Guild Members who supported our Giselle event in January 2020…

We look forward to the time we can gather together again soon!


Lois Peterson and Helle LeRette enjoy an artful conversation
Image: Jon LeRette

Please Join Us for an Evening of…

Innocence, Romance & Bittersweet Love

Saturday, January 25, 2020
5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Buffet Supper & Symposium
for Ballet West’s upcoming production of Giselle

With Special Guests

David Huevel

Director of Costume Production, Ballet West

Jared Oaks

Music Director, Ballet West

Karin Averty

Ballet Mistress, American Ballet Theatre Studio Company


and Prelude Music by Harpist

Julie ni Hewkin


Price: $75 pp

Includes Buffet Supper, Lemonade, Iced Tea, Coffee

Cash Bar with Wine & Beer (50% of drink price benefits event)


Opportunity Baskets & Auction Items


Cocktail Attire


Willow Creek Country Club

8505 Willow Creek Drive

Sandy, Utah 84093


Please RSVP HERE by January 22nd


Or mail check payable to Ballet West Guild with list of names attending to:

Nancy Wingelaar, Events Co-Chair

2790 Robidoux Road

Sandy, Utah 84093

Or Venmo to Anne-Neeley-2 with list of names attending


Proceeds from this event support the Guild’s initiative to

promote Ballet West’s Family Series

and the education and enrichment of our community audiences.


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